
In Longyearbyen and on Svalbard you sometimes need legal assistance, as you do everywhere else. The difference from the mainland is that part of the law is special to Svalbard or Longyearbyen. In addition, Svalbard is becoming increasingly regulated. Society, the business world and framework conditions are also distinctive in Longyearbyen. Population and expertise are being exchanged at a high pace. When you need legal assistance, you need someone who can get straight to the point. Someone who knows history, actors, the Svalbard jussen and relevant considerations. The law firm Mageli has this, and we have employees with specialist expertise in all the legal areas that are relevant for businesses on Svalbard.


Contact us for a no-obligation and free initial conversation: Advocate Sveinung Lystrup Thesen: / 41 4145 89

Steinar Mageli has built up Advokatfirmaet Mageli DA, with offices in Hamar, Lillestrøm and Oslo and assignments all over the country. The general manager is Trude Holmen. Sveinung Lystrup Thesen has 18 years of work experience from Longyearbyen.
Sveinung Lystrup Thesen

Sveinung Lystrup Thesen

If you any questions about this topic please contant us
414 14 589
